Call for papers 2013



The world’s population is growing and concentrating in cities. This is a process that started with the industrial revolution two hundred years ago and is still on-going in an intense way. A 2011 UN report on human settlements estimates that 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050. In this context, cities need to develop an economic and environmentally sustainable growth in order to improve the quality of life for all.


Cities will have a major role dealing with the fundamental challenges of the 21st century: climate change and other environmental threats; high consumption of non-renewable resources; economic development; growing populations; and ageing infrastructures.


In this context, the Smart City Expo World Congress is the meeting point for companies, public administration, entrepreneurs and research centres to show, learn, share, network and gather inspiration to support today’s development of future cities.


The event will be composed of an Exhibition Area, showcasing innovative companies and reference cities already implementing the smart city initiative, and the World Congress, which will see key note speakers introduce and debate pioneering approaches.


This call for papers is looking for speakers with the most relevant contributions and innovative initiatives in the world.


All authors are cordially invited to submit papers to Barcelona’s Smart City Expo World Congress 2013.

